

Update website iapimages.com
We have been preparing an important update for our site for a long time. This will be a big step in development. The site will become more convenient, will unite the Association and a photo bank.

International Association of Photographers IAP

We have moved all authors and members of the IAP Association to a new site platform.
New passwords have been sent to all. Now all authors and members of the IAP Association can update their photos, can make galleries.
Also now there is an opportunity to sell your own musical works.

Put your photos, music, vectors for sale.
Get orders for work through our website.
We will always help you.

Many of you have been waiting for this for a long time. Some people constantly asked when we would finish updating.

This is a very difficult and important work. There should be no errors in the work of the site, one must think about security.

A lot of time was spent on testing after updating the site and eliminating minor malfunctions.

Now almost everything is ready and we are happy to inform you about it.


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