Contacts Information
Name: Hanna Dabrowski
Address: , Poland
Website: Link
Date: 22/11/2017
Members of IAP Association
Status: Member of the Association IAP
Photo: 160
Video: 0
Audio: 0
Viewed: 45433
Downloads: 0

 Hanna Dabrowski

I am a member of the IAP Association, as well as a member of the Guild of Artists. I have an artistic direction for photography. I'm very interested in processing photos. I pay a lot of attention to this and spend a lot of time. I always want to achieve the ideal quality and content of the photo. I would be happy if you like the photos and you buy some of them. Also I will be happy if you order photos of me from the portraits.

Jestem członkiem Stowarzyszenia IAP, a także członkiem Gildii Artystów. Mam artystyczny kierunek dla fotografii. Jestem bardzo zainteresowany przetwarzaniem zdjęć. Przywiązuję dużą wagę do tego i spędzam dużo czasu. Zawsze chcę osiągnąć idealną jakość i zawartość zdjęcia. Byłbym szczęśliwy, jeśli lubisz zdjęcia i kupujesz niektóre z nich. Również będę szczęśliwy, jeśli zamówisz zdjęcia ze mnie z portretów.
Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits

Tropical fruits
Tropical fruits

still life of tropical fruits